Catur Harsito, Aditya Muhammad Nur, Ari Prasetyo, Teguh Triyono, Rendy Adhi Rachmanto, Budi Santoso


The increasing of infrastructure development causing in increased demand for sand material. On the other hand, the sand still contains many other components such as gravel. The size of good sand according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI - 03-247-2002) is natural or artificial sand produced by the stone crusher industry with the largest grain size of 5 mm. On the other hand, the lack of infrastructure of the Tanggalan vilage and the small income of the village has resulted in an uneven distribution of the regional economy. Youths and heads of the Tanggalan village see the potential to increase the village's income by making sieving businesses and providing good quality building sand. The manual sieving process takes longer, so it has an impact on the development process as well as from an economic point of view on the long construction costs. So, it is necessary to have a rotary type automatic sieving machine that has a function to separate fine sand grains or according to the criteria requested by consumers with gravel. Rotary type sieving machine with a capacity of 10 m3/hour, so it is expected to meet the demand and accelerating development process. In addition, with this tool, hamlet businesses can be formed to increase hamlet income.

Key words: Business, Enhancement, National Standard, Rotary, Sand Sieve.


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