JIPTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan January 2023's issue publishes 10(ten) manuscripts under the Empirical Research and Review sections. All of the authors are affiliated with Indonesian organizations.
Table of Contents
Empirical Research
The Development of Connected Learning Modules in Computer Systems and Microprocessor Electronics Subjects at 10th Grade in Vocational High School
| Abstract views : 311 times
Yanda Mochamad Hasbial, Mukhidin Mukhidin, Agus Heri Setya Budi
The Development of SketchCa-based Animated Video Learning Media for Building Utility Construction Learning
| Abstract views : 401 times
Aditia Nur Rahman, Lilis Widaningsih, Indah Susanti
Digital Assessment Model of Industrial Practice On-the-job Performance of Social Workers at a Family Learning Center
| Abstract views : 311 times
Yoyoh Jubaedah, Nenden Rani Rinekasari, Neni Rohaeni, Shofa Fithriturrohmi Yusuf
Evaluation of Learning in Civil Engineering Study Program Groups in the Field of Science and Environment in the 21st Century Learning System
| Abstract views : 247 times
Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya, Rina Marina Masri
Vocational High School Teacher's Work Ethic
| Abstract views : 249 times
Nathanael Sitanggang, Putri Lynna Adelinna Luthan
Development of a Mobile Learning-Based Digital Flipbook for Professional Teacher Education Vocational Programs
| Abstract views : 410 times
Johar Maknun, Dinn Wahyudin, Yulia Rahmawati, Asep Maosul
Development of Green Building Evaluation for Capacity Building of Civil Engineering Students to Realize Sustainable Development
| Abstract views : 438 times
Rina Marina Masri, Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya, Irma Widianingsih, Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya
Konsepsi Profesi Arsitek Siswa Kelas IV SDN Petojo Selatan 01 Pagi: Studi Analisis Gambar dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Construct 2)
| Abstract views : 258 times
Dinda Nuria Utami, Andira Valenti Nasyahrum, Muhammad Hanif, Putri Dwi Ciska Anggraini, Wardah Azizah, Ina Meilani
Analisis Pengembangan Sintak Model Pembelajaran Project-based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Eelektronika di Sekolah Vokasional
| Abstract views : 2188 times
Purwanto Purwanto, Agusti Tamrin, Suharno Suharno
Literature Review: Analysis of Potential Work Accidents in Construction Projects Using the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control Method
| Abstract views : 1483 times
Salmina Magda, Dewi Yustiarini, Siti Nurasiyah