Ida Nugroho Saputro


This research about strength of bamboo connection using mortar filler to its tension strength using 1
bolt with 12 mm diameter. Mortar filler has ratio of cement to sand 1 : 3 with water cement ratio 0,6. Testing of
connection strength conducted with angle of pulling 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° to bamboo fiber direction. In addition,
to identify effect of clamp usage and filler hole position. The testing conducted with hydraulic jack that installed
to loading frame. Result of this research showed that clamp usage lead to strength increase 13,82%. Connection
strength decrease happened as the angle of pulling more and more. The lowest strength with angle 90° is 8,34
KN for side filler connection and 9,81 KN for edge filler connection. The highest of connection strength with angle
0° is 25,51 KN for side filler connection and 28,45 KN for edge filler connection. The mortar filler hole position
did not influence connection strength. Comparison between theory and experiment was adjacent, therefore
proposed equation can be used.

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