Performance of natural chlorophyll Amaranthus and Carica Papaya dye on TiO2 coating in the making of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) through the spin coating method

Fernince Ina Pote, Agus Supriyanto, Fahru Nurosyid, Deni Kurniawan


The natural dye extracted from Amaranthus dye and Carica Papaya dye which has been prepared in ethanol solution as a sensitizer on DSSC. The Spin coating method is used so that the deposition on TiO2 gets a homogeneous thin layer on the active area of the FTO substrate. The dye solution was tested for characterization using the Elkahfi I-V Meter and UV-Vis 1601 while the FTO structure substrate that had been prepared as a sandwich was tested using Keithley I-V type 2602A. The result of absorbance of dye is at a wavelength of 400 nm - 800 nm and there is also a shift in wavelength and peak absorption of the dye. The greatest efficiency was obtained from chlorophyll amaranthus which is 0.730% while chlorophyll Carica papaya obtained an efficiency of 0.432%. In the combination of Amaranthus dye and Carica papaya dye, the efficiency was 0.526%. High efficiency on TiO2 electrodes shows good performance on Dye-sensitized solar cells.


Spin coating method, TiO2 paste, Amaranthus and Carica Papaya dye chlorophyll, Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC)

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