Chaerol Riezal


This study aimed to analyze the extent to which the Aceh conflict involving the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is narrated in history textbooks. Therefore, the narrative about the Aceh conflict and its reconciliation efforts as a critical discourse to decide the memories of the Aceh conflict that were passed down in history textbooks will be discussed in this paper. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out using literature review and documentation, with textbooks on the history of the national curriculum in 2006 and 2013. The results showed that the legacy of Aceh's conflict memory is still retained in grade XII history textbooks. Representations of the Aceh conflict are narrated in some ways, and even the narrative tends to be negative. For this reason, reconciliation efforts as a critical discourse are needed to decide the legacy of the Aceh conflict. One effort that can be done is through the transformation of the Aceh conflict over the history textbooks. However, this reconciliation discourse needs to be criticized because it is often used in social science and not in the field of history learning.


memory inheritance, Aceh conflict, GAM, Indonesia, historical textbooks.

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