PANCADARMA TAMAN SISWA: A Philosophical Reflection of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Thought on The Perspective Of Religious-Humanist Education

Musa Pelu


This study aims to examine the concept of Pancadarma Taman Siswa as the philosophical thought of Ki Hajar Dewantara. The main question provoked in this study is about to what extent the concept of Pancadarma Taman Siswa can be categorized and developed as the basis of religious-humanist education. This analysis becomes important because the construction of contemporary education seems to be obsolete, thus, it should be reconstructed by considering the innovation on the practice of education based on the solid philosophical foundation. The idea of this research is to revive an educational concept that able put symmetrically the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence with the core of the 2013 Curriculum, which intent to organize education in an equal manner between cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In the author’s perspective, this concept can be called as religious-humanist education. The research method was library research based on descriptive analysis and philosophical approaches. The data were collected by the study of documentation. The data were then analyzed by the technique of content analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows. (1) Pancadarma is the distinctive characteristic of Taman Siswa that consist the principle of independence (paying attention to the potential and interest of individual), the principle of God’s will (paying attention to Sunatullah), cultural principle (the fruit of humanity based on “Trikon”), the principle of nationality (prioritizing unity in diversity), the principle of humanity (acknowledging human dignity), can be categorized a humanist education. (2) The religious aspect of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s thought is represented on the purposes of Taman Siswa to build children as a human who belief and be cautious in god, independent, noble in mind, intelligent and skilled, and physically and spiritually healthy to become members of the community who are independent and responsible for the welfare of the nation, homeland, and humans in general. (3) Ki Hajar Dewantara's educational thought was very concerned about humanist and religious education. Based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the educational objective of Ki Hajar Dewantara, which is also institutionalized on Taman Siswa, is to generate an ideal people for the nation who physically and mentally healthy and also have intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence.


Pancadarma, Taman Siswa, Religious-humanist education

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