
Entrepreneurial education, risk tolerance and self-efficacy towards entrepreneurial intentions in students. This research is expected to provide additional evidence regarding concepts and theories about factors that increase entrepreneurial interest, students, variables, entrepreneurship education, and risk tolerance and the application of these contents to students.

The settings used are natural settings which are also called field research. In terms of time dimensions, this study belongs to the cross-sectional research category. The sampling technique uses a non probability sampling type of purposive sampling. The sample in this study was an economic high school student in Yogyakarta. The analytical model used is the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis model following a variant-based structural equation (SEM) model which can simultaneously test the measurement model while testing structural models.

The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial education variables have no effect on student entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial education variables affect student self-efficacy, risk tolerance variables affect student entrepreneurial intention, and risk tolerance variables affect student self-efficacy.


Keyword : entrepreneurial education, risk tolerance, self efficacy, entrepreneurial intention

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