Upaya Pemerintah Dalam Penanganan Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Yang Berada Di Kota Surakarta

Dita Budi Virginia, Lego Karjoko, Rosita Candrakirana


Law No. 1/2011 on Housing and Settlement Areas mandates that the State is responsible for protecting all Indonesians through organizing housing and settlement areas so that people are able to live and inhabit decent, affordable homes in a healthy, safe, harmonious and sustainable environment throughout Indonesia. The arrangement of slum areas in Surakarta City is included in the Surakarta Mayor's Slum Decree which is an effort to organize illegal slum areas in the context of providing housing and infrastructure facilities that are livable for Low-Income Communities (MBR). The research method is qualitative using a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this study, namely by conducting interviews, observations, and literature studies so that accurate conclusions can be drawn. The results of this study found that there needs to be an effort from the government to handle slum areas in Surakarta City. The emergence of slum areas still needs to be overcome and it is hoped that the government can provide a decent place to live to the community. As well as reducing the area of slums as a target to achieve universal access to 0% slums.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jd.v5i1.84930



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