Pelaksanaan Retribusi Sampah Di Kota Surakarta

Luthfan Hibatul Haqqi, Asianto Nugroho


This research aims to determine the implementation of waste retribution in the City of Surakarta, and what factors are affect implementation of waste retribution in the City of Surakarta. This study is a normative legal research that is prescriptive with the approach of the Act (statue approach) and conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The types of legal materials used in this study are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Techniques of collecting legal materials in the writing of this law is the study of literature or document studies (Library Research) and interview (interview). The data analysis technique in this study was analyzed qualitatively, while the methods used were syllogism and interpretation methods.

Research shows that the implementation of waste retribution in Surakarta City is in accordance with the Regional Regulation of the City of Surakarta Number 5 of 2016 concerning Regional Retribution, the Surakarta City Environmental Service has collected fees for mandatory retribution by applying Standard Operating Procedures in carrying out the collection by assigning levies collectors to each sub-district once a mont.

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