Efektivitas Balai Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Dalam Pemanfaatan Wisata Pada Hutan Lindung

Rori Ardian Putra, Waluyo Waluyo


This study aims to determine whether the management of the Mangunan protected forest has been effective based on its function by applicable laws and regulations and to determine what factors influence the effectiveness of Mangunan protection forest management by the Yogyakarta Forest Management Unit. This research is prescriptive normative research with a statue approach. Types of legal materials used in this thesis are primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. Legal material collection techniques used are document study or literature study (literature research) and interviews (interview). Then the analysis technique of this research is the deductive syllogism method which draws the major premise and then draws the minor premise so that conclusions can be drawn to answer the problems that exist in writing this law. The results showed that the function of the Mangunan protection forest based on the prevailing laws and regulations has not been effective. The economic and ecological functions have not been balance, due to weaknesses in the law, lack of human resources and infrastructure, as well as factors from people who are still less aware of the law and a high tourism culture that has the potential to increase the negative impact of tourism.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/jd.v1i3.50264



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