Zelika Dewi F., Bhimo Rizky Samudro


For almost twenty years Klaten Regency is led by a political dynasty, where two couples alternately lead the regency. The problem of the political dynasty will certainly have an impact on the expectation of decentralization, which is to improve the quality of social economy and governance in every region. Similarly, the political dynasty in Klaten Regency. The indicator performance of the social economy in the Klaten Regency can be disrupted by the existence of a political dynasty. Socio-economic indicators consist of GRDP, per capita income, economic growth, inflation, HDI, poverty, corruption, income inequality, and unemployment. The purpose of this study was to examine the pattern of a political dynasty in the Klaten Regency and the performance of the indicator of social economy in this regency. This study was qualitative research by using the interview technique of collecting data and literature review. Based on the result of the content analysis, it showed that the political dynasty in Klaten Regency is a single type of elite political dynasty, quasi familism, and populist typology. Besides, the pattern of social-economic indicator performance is also found, where corruption and income inequality becomes an indicator with the worst performance. The improvement of the political system at the central and local level, review of Article 7r Law number 8 the Year 2015, and political education to society needs to be improved. Besides, the participation of society and law enforcement to keep control of the wheel of government can be expected to reduce fraudulent practices in government, especially in the political dynasty government.

Keywords: Political Dynasty, Political Economics, Social Economy Indicators, Local Strongman Theory

JEL Classification: P16, P48, B55


Political Dynasty, Political Economics, Social Economy Indicators, Local Strongman Theory

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