Bernadeta Rosalina, Enny Widi Kristansti


The economic growth in the urban area is characterized by the growth of the industrial sector and traffic density. The increase in the c111110w1L cf factories and motorized vehicles caused an increase in gas emission in the air. Residual smoke from factory production processes and gas emission are stationary and mobile sources of pollution which interfere with the air quality in the urban areas. The effects human health negatively.
This research was calculating the willingness to pay (WTP) with the contingent valuation method. This research aims to determine the public araeness to keep their environment clean. It is indicated by people’s FVTP on policy implication that offered once every year. The strategies offered to diminish the mobile source of population are (I) improvement transportation infrastructure. (2) reforestation. (3) replacement of old motorized vehicles, and (4) the use of alternative roads on traffic peak hours. The strategies to diminish the mobile sources of pollution were ranked by an analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) according to people’s preference in the implementation. The strategies have implications infour consecutive years.
This research result showed that level of WTP of the society was still low, as only 38% of the people are willing to pay a maximum of cf 40.000 ruapiah every year to reduce both stationary and mobile pollution sources. The determinant factors of the WTP are estimated by the ordered probit method. The estimated results showed that the income of the respondens compared to health costs, caused by damaged lungs, eves, and nose, has on influence an die WTP. While the age education, and distance to the polluted area of the rspondents are sinificanlty the WTP.

Keywords : urban air quality, willingness to pay, ordered probit method.


urban air quality, willingness to pay, ordered probit method

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