Devi Agwin Puteri, Sri Hilmi Pujihartati


This study aims to know the efforts of the hall rehabilitation, community and former prostitutes, determine changes in the concept of self-PSK after the raid along with supporting factors and the inhibiting factor through the theory of structural-functional advanced by Talcot Parsons scheme AGIL (Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, Latency). This study is a single case study with qualitative descriptive dish. Data taken with the depth interview, observation and documentation. While informants using purposiveselection techniques. To ensure the validity of data used triangulation of sources, while analyzed using an interactive model. The results shows that the main factor behind a person falls as a prostitute in general economic factors. This is because a husband as the breadwinner was not working or working odd jobs that lead to non-fulfillment of economic needs of the family. Another factor that causes a person falls into prostitution is being banished from the family. Another factor is the basis of moral and morality is so low that a person who has been following education hall rehabilitation eventually plunge again as a commercial sex worker. The rehabilitation at the Center of Social Rehabilitation Women Top Surakarta includes guidance physical, mental, social assistance and social, counseling skills , Through resocialization, distribution, further guidance, evaluation, referral, termination until the process of social rehabilitation. Aside from the community rehabilitation centers are also trying to take back former commercial sex workers in social activities in their environment. Most informants felt regret and self berintropeksi then change its appearance and self-concept to be accepted back in the community. The concept of self that is in post-rehabilitation of commercial sex workers can be concluded that not all who have ever received skills training and education changes. They found six informants in this study four informants resigned as commercial sex workers and normal life in the midst of society, while two informants still plunge as commercial sex workers without knowing when the informant will stop wrestle the job.Keywords: Effort, Commercial Sex Workers, Self-Concept.

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p-ISSN  0215-9635