Peran Organisasi Himpunan Waria Solo Dalam Mencegah dan Menanggulangi Penyakit HIV/AIDS Pada Anggotanya

Maria Adista Widiyananda


The objective of research as to explain the role of Himpunan Waria Solo or HIWASO in preventing and coping with HIV/AIDS in its member and members people living with HIV/AIDS or transvestite PLWHA. The theory employed was Talcott Parsons’ structural functional theory. The research method used was the qualitative one with case study approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique in order to informants consistent with the objective of research. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, in-depth interview, document review, and documentation. The research method employed was qualitative one with case study approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one, in which the informants understood how to prevent and cope with HIV. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, in-depth interview, document review, and documentation. Data validation used was credibility test one including observation extension, observation persistence improvement, negative case analysis, reference use, and member check. The data was analyzed using an interactive model o analysis with three components: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.The result of research showed that HIV/AIDS prevention had been conducted by HIWASO by conducting Voluntary Counseling Test or VCT, Peer Educator, PLWHA meeting, and sport activity 3 times a week. To prevent discrimination from occurring among the fellow members, HIWASO conducted bhakti social (social service) to the poor transvestite and transvestite PLWHA. HIWASO also conducted a routine activity to discuss the activity to be held and the constraints faced in organization. HIWASO cooperated with other institutions in preventing and coping with HIV/AIDS in the form of cross-community and cross-transvestites communities meeting. HIVASO also obtained funding for the activity coming from institution and other institutions used, for HIWASO activity in making their member prosperous.

Keywords: Role, Transvestite Organization, HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Coping


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p-ISSN  0215-9635