PERILAKU JILBAB DI UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET (Studi Kasus Tren Memakai Jilbab di Kalangan Mahasiswa FKIP UNS)

Hanif Imaduddin



HANIF IMADUDDIN, D0310025, MUSLIM VEIL BEHAVIOR IN UNS (Case Study of Behavior Hijab in FKIP Students of UNS). Thesis, Surakarta: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, May 2017.

Behavior using hijab among students FKIP UNS is a form of application of Islamic teachings. The hijab behavior in this research is the result of the students' religious knowledge which is then applied in FKIP UNS environment. The purpose of this research is to know the behavioral view of wearing hijab of FKIP UNS students about hijab that they wear.

This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The source of this research data is information from respondents and informants at research sites, documents and archives. Data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interview and literature study. While sampling in this research is purposive sampling technique. Data validity using source triangulation. Data analysis technique is by interactive analysis model which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. This model of analysis is a sequence of activities that occur together as well as cyclical and interactive processes. The theory used is Social Action Theory and Cultural Capital Theory.

The results of this study indicate that the behavioral view of wearing the scarf of FKIP UNS students about the hijab they wear is the result of religious knowledge about the veil law, then the behavior of veiling is not only done in the campus environment but also applied outside the campus environment. The student's motivation in the headscarf is to become a better person from before, although the trend in UNS campus is very fast growing but the students can distinguish the good way of veiling according to Islamic syariat. In addition, to enforce Islamic law and veiling is a form of propaganda of Islamic teachings in FKIP UNS.

Keywords: Student Vocation Behavior, Knowledge, Veil


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p-ISSN  0215-9635