PERAN BURUH DALAM KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN PT. SENANG KHARISMA TEXTILE (Studi Kasus Kewajiban, Upah, Jaminan Sosial, dan Fasilitas Kesejahteraan Buruh di PT. Senang Kharisma Textile, Kecamatan Jaten, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Solo)

Arief Nurrahman Sejati, Mahendra Wijaya


PT. Senang Kharisma Textile is one of companies that is the part of SRITEX GROUP. The purpose of this research is to measure how far the salary mechanism, social security, and the facility of social welfare in a company named PT. Senang Kharisma Textile. This research is examined by the theory of Eugene Schneider called theory of labour role, exploitation theory by Karl Marx, and the theory of exhange by George Homans. This Descriptive Qualitative Research uses a case study approach. The source of data collected from the informant used a purposive sampling technique. The data collecting was done by interviewing, observing and documentating. For the validity of the data was used source triangulation. While data analysis used interactive model. The research result concludes that the company named PT. Senang Kharisma Textile creates social welfare to the labour by giving salary, social security, and a good welfare facility. The salary mechanism uses the minimum salary requirement of Karanganyar 2016. It has been structured. the company gives the salary protection. While the social security implemented in this company is BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and BPJS Kesehatan. For the welfare facility, the company provides canteen, polyclinic, transportation module, cooperative, etc. The enhancement of labour’s productivity also must be followed by the enhancement of company’s social welfare.

Keywords: Work Relations, Labour’s Welfare, Company, labour productivity

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