Belva Hendry Lukmana, Bambang Wirat Sasongko


In the local elections with a system of direct election of social groups and the community itself plays a very important both for the success of the elections and the candidates who will fight. For that attract diteneliti how much the relationship between Social Support Level Group of people with voter behavior in the election of Regional Head Sukoharjo 2015.

In this study, researchers used Mahzab Columbia are often used by previous researchers to explain the behavior of voters in a sociological approach. The hypothesis of this research that there is a significant relationship between the level of Community Social Support Group (X) by the Voter Behavior (Y) In local elections Sukoharjo 2015.

This type of research is a survey research. This research is located in Sukoharjo district. For a sampling technique in this study researchers used a type of Random sampling area. This sampling technique based on regions and each region samples will be taken based on the proportion of the sub-population in each region. To test the hypothesis in a statistical test used in this study is the Product Moment Correlation Analysis. Where statistical test is used to look for correlations between variables that exist.

At p = 0.05, for N = 100, N = 100 critical value, 0.195. Therefore the value of rxy = 0.252> 0.195 of the critical r p = 0.05, then for rxy = 0.520 is significant. At p = 0.01 for N = 100 is equal to 0.254. therefore the values of r xy = 0.252 <0.254 of the critical r p = 0.01, then for rxy = 0.520 is not significant. The meaning of the value of the relationship between Social Support Level Group with voter behavior but weak correlation, because r count> r table at p = 0.05 but at p = 0.01 r count> r table, then the hypothesis that the higher the level of Support Social Groups at particular candidate, the higher the voter support for the prospective head region in the elections of 2015 Sukoharjo acceptable. The correlation results indicate where social groups such as family, organization, social environment have a tendency same choice as the voters in favor of candidates of regional heads Sukoharjo district, 2015.


Keywords: Social Support Level Group, Voter Behavior, and elections

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