Nur Hidayah, Sangidu Sangidu, Hindun Hindun


Risālah At-Tawābi' wa Az-Zawābi' is an Andalusian literary work that combines prose and poetry. This treatise contains Ibn Syuhaid's poetry juxtaposed with the poetry of other poets, including jāhilī poets, such as Umruul Qais, Ṭarafah bin Al-Abd, and Qais bin Al-Khātim. This research examines Ibn Syuhaid's poetry in juxtaposition with the three jāhilī poets using Riffaterre's intertextual approach, which considers the important role of the reader in providing meaning of the poetry. To understand the meaning of a poem, the reader must find the intertext that forms the poem's shape. The Ibn Syuhaid poem which is the formal data in this research is entitled Fī Madḥi Yahya Al-Mu'talī, fi Washfi Riḥlah Aṣ-Ṣaydi and fī madīḥ Abī Marwān. This research was carried out to find the intertextual form of Ibn Syuhaid's transformational poetry with the actual hypograms juxtaposed with him in the Risālah At-Tawābi' wa Az-Zawābi'. The methodology used in this research is intertextual by determining the matrix, model, and variants in the transformation poem and the hypograms that are juxtaposed with it.


Risālah At-Tawābi' wa Az-Zawābi', intertextual, Riffaterre, jāhilī poets, Andalusia

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