Anggun Nopitasari, Meti Indrowati, Slamet Santosa


This research aims to ascertain whether or not the application Student Created Case Studies learning method with picture media towards sains skill process. This research is considered quasi-experiment research. The research was designed using Posttest-Only Control Group Design by applying Student Created Case Studies learning method l with picture media in experimental group and lectures methods, discussions, and experiment in control group. The population of this research were all strudents in X grade of SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban in academic year 2011/ 2012. The sample of this research was established by Cluster Random Sampling, in order to obtain class X-4 as experimental group and class X-3 as control group. The data was collected by using tests, documentation and observation form. The hypothesis was analized by using t-test. The conclusion of this research is that the application Student Created Case Studies learning method with picture media towards sains skill process.

Key words: Student Created Case Studies, Picture Media, Sains Skill Process.

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