Prias Tantio Novanda


The variety of food consumption by Indonesian people since the past until now has varied, one of which is noodles. Indonesia has various types of noodle-based cuisine. This makes noodle entrepreneurs compete with other competitors to find consumer demand. Mie Gacoan is one of the restaurants that offers noodle dishes. Mie Gacoan has opened branches in various cities in Indonesia, one of which is in Solo. The purpose of this study is to determine brand awareness (X1), brand loyalty (X2), quality perception (X3), and brand association (X4) towards the repurchase intention of Mie Gacoan Solo branch. The basic method of this research is descriptive. Sample determination using purposive sampling method. The sample was 100 consumers of Mie Gacoan solo branch. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the variables of brand loyalty (X2) and brand association (X4) had a significant effect on the repurchase intention of Mie Gacoan Solo Branch. The variables of brand awareness (X1) and quality perception (X3) did not have a significant effect on the buyback intention of Mie Gacoan Solo branch.

Keyword : Brand equity, Mie Gacoan, Repurchase Intention, Solo

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