Cindy Wulandari


MSMEs have a very very big role in the national economy, so that MSMEs can make a bigger contribution to the national economy, the performance of MSMEs must be improved. There needs to be cooperation between MSMEs in improving performance which can be done through a cluster approach. Clusters are one of the means to support the development of MSMEs by grouping MSMEs based on the type and location of the commodity. The initial formation of clusters aimed at improving the performance of MSMEs, but in reality many MSMEs in one cluster are short-lived. The difference in performance becomes a problem that must be resolved so that the performance of MSMEs in Purbalingga has an equal level of performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the performance of MSMEs in the MSME cluster in Purbalingga and to determine the factors that most influence the performance of MSME in the MSME cluster in Purbalingga. The basic research method used is descriptive quantitative with a purposive location determination method. Sampling using purposive sampling method with 30 respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that the factors that influence the performance of MSMEs in the MSME cluster in Purbalingga are knowledge and skills, availability of capital, entrepreneurial spirit, business networking, and social capital. The factor that most influences the performance of MSMEs in the MSME cluster in Purbalingga is business networking

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