Briliantika Putri Anggita


Intense competition that occurs between culinary business actors, especially the spicy noodle business, requires spicy noodle business actors to try to survive and win the competition. Efforts that can be made by the spicy noodle business actors is to create loyal consumers. Consumer loyalty can be achieved if consumers feel satisfied. Consumer satisfaction can be formed through product quality, service quality, and price. Satisfied customers will become loyal customers. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, service quality, and price on customer satisfaction, determine the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, and determine the role of customer satisfaction as an intervening variable in the relationship between product quality, service quality, and price on customer loyalty. The basic research method is quantitative descriptive, the location determination method is purposive, the number of samples is 130, and the data analysis method uses SEM. The results of the analysis show that product quality, service quality, and price have a positive and significant effect on spicy noodle consumer satisfaction in Surakarta. Consumer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on spicy noodle consumer loyalty in Surakarta. Consumer satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of product quality, service quality, and price on spicy noodle consumer loyalty in Surakarta.

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