Ardi Wardianto


This study aims to determine the management of farming in Karanganyar Regency;
analyze the costs, revenues, revenues and profits in Karanganyar Regency; and analyze the feasibility of garlic farming in Karanganyar Regency. The basic method used in this research is descriptive analytical method with survey technique. The regional method is purposively in Tawangmangu District, Jatiyoso District and Jenawi District. Sampling with simple random sampling technique, analysis of the data used is cost analysis, profit analysis and analysis of r/c ratios. The results of the research carried out were an average farmer's land area of 0.87 ha so that in one planting period an average production was obtained of 997 kg/UT or 1,152 kg/ha of garlic with an average selling price of Rp. 16,350 so that an income of Rp. IDR 16,311,850 per farm or IDR 18,835,200 per hectare, with the cost used of IDR 7,277,687 per farm of IDR 8,370,281 per hectare, resulting in a total of IDR 9,034,163 per farm of IDR 10,464,919 per hectare. Garlic farming profits are quite large with an R/C of 2.24. This shows that garlic farming in Karanganyar Regency is feasible to cultivate. There needs to be an increase in the role of extension workers in the use of organic fertilizers, as well as the need to increase inputs in the form of fertilizers to increase garlic production.

Keywords: Garlic, Farming, Profit, Efficiency

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