Sahyoga Setyasasama


Karanganyar Regency is one of the districts in Central Java that cultivates coffee, but it is still weak from the production to marketing side. This research aims to identify internal and external factors, formulate alternative strategies, and determine strategic priorities in accordance with the development of coffee agribusiness in Karanganyar Regency. The basic method of this research is descriptive. Determination of location in Karanganyar Regency. The method of determining the sample was done purposively. Sources and types of data used are primary data and secondary data with techniques of collection by observation, interviews and recording. The analysis tools used include the IFE and EFE matrices, the IE matrix, the SWOT matrix, and the QSPM. The results showed that the total score for the IFE Matrix was 2.385, while the total score for the EFE Matrix was 2.296. Analysis of the strategy position with IE Matrix shows the position of the strategy is in cell V, which is the area for implementing the strategy of hold and maintain. Internal and external factors were analyzed using the SWOT Matrix, resulting in 8 strategic alternatives. The position of the strategy is matched with the alternative strategies that have been formulated. Analysis of strategic priorities using QSPM. The strategic priority that can be implemented is product introduction and intensifying the market with good and appropriate distribution.

Keywords: Coffee, Agribusiness, Development Strategy

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