Isna Aulia Anjam


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the cost, income, profit, business efficiency, business risk, and break even point of sale pisang agroindustry in Pacitan regency. Sampling of respondents conducted by purposive as many as 40 respondents. The result of the research shows that the average cost of agroindustry sales of wet sale pisang was IDR 2,318,419.80, dry sale pisang was IDR 4,900,254.37, wet and dry sale pisang were IDR 4,801,185.48. Acceptance of average sale of wet sale pisang was IDR 3,716,666.67, dry sale pisang was IDR 9,003,676.47, wet and dry sale pisang were IDR 8,178,750.00. Average profit wet sale pisang was IDR 1,398,246.87, dry sale pisang was IDR 4,103,422.10, wet and dry sale pisang were IDR 3,377,564.52. Efficiency of wet sale pisang business was 0,60, dry sale pisang was 0,84, wet and dry sale pisang were 0,70. Coefficient of variation (CV) of dry sale pisang was 0,31, lower limit value of profit (L) IDR 533,332.58. Coefficient of variation  (CV)  of  dry  sale  pisang  was   0,67,   lower   limit   value   of   profit   (L) IDR -1,415,116.01. The coefficient of variation (CV) of wet and dry sale pisang were 0,15, the lower limit value of profit (L) IDR 2,362,192.69. BEP acceptance wet sale pisang was IDR 1,296,978.75, BEP production wet sale pisang was 548 ons, BEP price wet sale pisang was IDR 1,428.18. BEP acceptance dry sale pisang was IDR 1,240,359.94, BEP production wet sale pisang was 441 ons, BEP price wet sale pisang was IDR 1,470.23. BEP acceptance wet and dry sale pisang were IDR 1,318,591.44, BEP production wet and dry sale pisang were 536 ons.

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