Anasthasia Devitra Suryadewi


Abstract : The purpose of this research is to know marketing channel Sragen regency, to know tasks and functions of corn marketing institution in Sragen regency, to knowcost, profit and margin of corn marketing in Sragen regency, and the most efficient economical corn marketing channel in Sragen regency. The basic method which used is descriptive analysis. The data was analized using cost margin analysis with direct approach. The result of the research shows that (1) there are 3 marketing channel in Sragen regency, (2) tasks and functions of producers or farmers as producers which are then sold to traders, tasks and functions of collector merchants is looking for corn products from farmers and exchanging functions by buying from farmers then selling to a wholesaler, task and function of retailers are buying corn products from the farmers and then sell directly to the consumers, task and function of wholesalers are collecting corn products. (4) marketing channels that are said to be efficient ie marketing channel III with marketing margin of Rp 200 / Kg, marketing margin percentage of 4.65% and farmer share of 95.2%.

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