Nur Shabrina Giesta Destyana


Abstract: This research aims to identify the internal and external factors, formulating alternative strategies, and deciding priority strategy that can be applied in the development of Torakur SME in Bandungan Subdistrict, Semarang Regency. Data analysis method used are: 1) IFE and EFE matrix, 2) IE matrix, 3) SWOT matrix, 4) QSPM. The results showed that the main strength in the development of Torakur SME are the tenacity of owner in managing the business and the good quality of product, the main weakness is on marketing that dominated in local area. The main opportunity is the support of government, whereas the main threat is the fluctuation of raw material. Alternative strategies that resulted from this research are: 1) optimize the use of information technology to expand marketing through social media, websites, online trading sites; 2) maximizing of sales in the main road, tourism object, hostelry/villas, restaurant, and other strategic object; 3) maintaining good relationships with suppliers and intermediaries marketers to sustainability of production and marketing; 4) recruiting marketers to help market penetration and development; 5) increasing production capacity at the end of dry season to meet market demand; 6) maintaining product quality to keep customers satisfaction and loyalty; 7) establish partnerships with local tomato farmers; 8) increasing sales promotion (by giving rabates and tester) also advertising in the strategic object; 9) to make improvements in financial management and allocation; and 10) build up distribution network to get wider market segmentation. The priority strategy that can be applied in Torakur SME is recruiting marketers to help market penetration and development.

Keywords: Bandungan, Development Strategy, SWOT,  Torakur, QSPM

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