Dita Setyanita


ABSTRACT. The study aims to (1) what are the damage that often occurs in the production of sugar in the sugar mill Rendeng (2) Did the damage in the process of production in sugar mill Rendeng was still in bounds of tolerance deviation (3) what are the types of damage that a priority improvements in the production of sugar in the sugar mill Rendeng (4) what are the factors that cause the sugar in the sugar factory at Rendeng suffered damage. Retrieving the location of research deliberately. Methods of data analysis used is the method of Statistical Quality Control. The results of this study are to (1) Control chart X for levels of dirt on the sugar cane the entire data is not normal or outside the bounds of the control. For data defekator all data on pH is normal, and the last data on the processes there is 1 data is not normal with pH 6.9. To control chart X entirely already controlled. Control chart R IE to show the highest and lowest interval data. From existing data to data defekator and data on pH pH on processes is still a lot of data that is outside the bounds of the control. Normal data terms for pH that is 7.0-7.2 (2) the problem of the final product which applicated in the diagram pareto dominant problems to be taken namely yellow, lumpy sugar sugar, and powdered sugar. The damage is most dominant in the cumulative 80% that is lumpy sugar and sugar yellow. The amount of damage that is lumpy sugar that is 100% from 74.70% whereas the number of yellow sugar i.e. damage amounting to 16.03% from 100%. The cumulative percentage of both IE 90.73% from 100% (3) analysis of fishbone is done to find out the cause of the problems dominant end product ie the lumpy sugar and sugar yellow. Factors that affect sugar lumpy midsruk i.e. not painstaking labor, labor fatigue, old machine, the process of pengkristalan less long, hot, place of production and the place noisy production. Factors affecting midsruk of yellow sugar i.e. labor can't wait, machinery rusting/corrosion, pH at neutral, no purification no checking of raw materials as a whole, and there is a lot of dirt on raw materials. The analysis of the obtained recommendations that can be used by sugar factories Rendeng to improve and take control of its products.


Key Words: Sugar, Sugar Factory Rendeng, Statistical Quality Control

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