Marhatus Sholehah


Abstract: The purposes of the research are to analyze determine the factors that influence the demand rice and knowing the elasticity of demand for rice in Ngawi. The basic method used is analytical description. The data used is secondary data. Data analysis included analysis of the development of demand, factors that influence the use of multiple linear analysis, and the elasticity of demand. The results showed that the average growth of demand for rice in Ngawi has increased every year. Variable price of rice, the price of corn, the price of instant noodles, the price of eggs, the price of soybeans, a per capita income of the population. The price elasticity of rice amounted to -0,084 show that rice demand is inelastic, namely the amount of rice that the requested change with a smaller percentage than the price change. Cross-price elasticity of corn amounted to 0.087 and the price of instant noodles at -0.083 indicates that corn is the substitution to the rice, while the instant noodles are complements. Income elasticity of 0,049 means rice is a normal goods.


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