Karakteristik dan Komposisi Karkas Pada Sapi Krui di Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Provinsi Lampung

Brisca Febria Dewantara, M. Dima Iqbal Hamdani, Sulastri Sulastri, Kusuma Adhianto


The purpose of the resarch was knowing characteristic and composition carcass of  krui cattle on Pesisir Barat Region, Lampung Province. This reserch was hold on June-July 2016, abaout characteristic like body weigh, carcass percentage, skin percentage, and kidney pelpic heart fat percentage, and composition carcass like  fat percentage, bone percentage, meat percentage, meat bone ratio, and meat fat ratio. The result of reserch refers to descriptive analisisc on average from body weigh on male krui cattle is 220,28 kg and female krui cattle 180,26 kg, carcass percentage  on male krui cattle is 48,09% and female krui cattle 44,47%, skin precentage on male krui cattle 6,47% and famale krui cattle 7,02%, percentage of kidney pelpic heart fat on male krui cattle is 0.86% and famele 0,92%, fat percentege of male krui cattle is 5,58% and female 5,28%, bone precentage of male krui cattle is 13,66% and famale 13,44%, maet precentage of male krui cattle is 34,43% and famale krui cattle 31,01%.


Carcass characteristic; Carcass compotition; Krui cattle


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